Panties On A Plane

03 Feb, 2010 | 582 views | 2 Comments

Three black ladies are getting ready to take a plane trip for the first time.

The first lady says, ‘I don’t know about you all, but I’m gonna wear me some hot pink panties befor I get on that plane.’

‘Why you gonna wear them for?’ the other two asked.

She replied, ‘Cause, if that plane go down and I’m out there laying butt-up in a conefield, they gonna find me first.’

The second lady says, ‘Well, I’m gonna wear me some florescent orange panties.’

‘Why you gonna wear them?’ the others asked.

She says, ‘Cause if this plane going down and I be floating butt-up in the ocean, they can see me first.’

The third lady says, ‘Well, I’m not gonna wear any panties at all!’

‘What? No panties?’ the others asked in disbelief.

The third lady says, ‘that’s right girlfriends, you hears me. I ain’t wearing no panties, ’cause if this plane go down, honey, they always be looking for the black box first.

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